Political issues on abortion are very controversial but largely include a woman's right to choose or the child's right to life otherwise classified as pro choice and pro life. Some sources believe that the government has taken away the unalienable rights of the child by questioning when the child actually becomes a person and by recognizing the rights of the mother over the rights of the child. Some believe that the government should not have so much authority as to take away protection from the unborn. In addition, a candidate's position on abortion influences many voters on how to vote and who to vote for. Abortion debate facts are not just black or white, life or death, but instead are largely voiced with opinions based upon the health of the woman and her views of whether or not to have the child or deny that child life. God's word clearly states that murder is sin and says that people are to love their children that they are a blessing. "Lo, children are a heritage of the LORD: and the fruit of the womb is His reward" (Psalm 127:3).
Some of the issues that are often discussed when talking about the controversial subject of abortion include the financial state or health condition of a woman who is pregnant. Scripture addresses these concerns by helping the reader to understand the importance of being responsible with what God gives us thus being a good steward. Political issues on abortion do not address the stewardship of the woman. Being a good steward does not just mean with finances but it means to be a good steward with absolutely everything that God gives a person. "He that is faithful in that which is least is faithful also in much: and he that is unjust in the least is unjust also in much" (Luke 16:10).
The questions that seem to hang over this controversial issue are whether or not the child is a person while in the womb, the definition of human life and when does it really begin? Abortion debate facts surround these questions. Science has not been able to definitely answer these questions so since there is still a mystery why would a woman take that chance? Well, the ultimate answer to these questions is simply that all people are born sinners. Many researchers have put labels on that sinful nature, instead of calling it sin they use another term such as self-serving bias to explain it. God word says, "I will praise Thee: for I am fearfully and wonderfully made" (Psalms 139:14). God values the lives of those little ones in the womb.
Abortion was legalized through lawmakers. Cases that go before the Supreme Court of the United States can change laws. One woman was given the right to choose whether to have an abortion and it set a precedent that all women are given the right to choose whether to have her child or to extinguish his or her life. Political issues on abortion are relevant because whoever is the leader of this democracy has the power to choose the types of judges that preside over the Supreme Court. This is one of the reasons why as citizens the people need to exercise their right to vote for those that are put in the offices where laws can be made and can be changed.
There is help for women who find themselves in situations that they are not able to take care of a child. Many couples can not have children and are willing to adopt a child. There are many Christian organizations that help women who are in a situation where they can not help themselves. Abortion debate facts can cause confusion in a woman who is already going through a tremendous amount of stress and uncertainty in her ability to become a mother. Most Christian organizations will emphasize that each person is made in the image of God and that it is His will that people procreate. He blessed Adam and Eve and told them to "Be fruitful and multiply" (Genesis 1:22). In addition, the Bible does address the taking of a life still in the womb. Exodus 21:22 says, "If men strive, and hurt a woman with child, so that her fruit depart from her, and yet no mischief follows: he shall be surely punished, according as the woman's husband will lay upon him; and he shall pay as the judges determine."
The Court determined that the time life actually begins was not a question that needed a resolution. Political issues on abortion led to inhuman and gruesome procedures such as partial birth abortion. Thankfully this type of procedure is no longer tolerated. This is one step to a closer resolve that the unborn child should be protected. A political candidate who would condone abortion may be someone who does not recognize the sanctity of human life. Someone who does not recognize that an unborn child needs protection may be responsible of other types of acts that are immoral and unethical.
The development of medical research has provided keen insights into a developing child and how development begins at the time of conception or fertilization. However, even if science can not provide the answers a person seeks, the idea that there is even a doubt should make a person consider this decision carefully and prayerfully. When a doubt exists then abortion should not be a consideration. Abortion debate facts include some truths for consideration; the heartbeat of the unborn child begins 21 days after conception, the brain is fully functional by the 40th day after conception, and a child born as early as 20 weeks after conception has a good chance of survival.
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Saturday, August 30, 2008
Political Issues On Abortion
Posted by Leo Star at 8/30/2008 04:16:00 AM
Labels: Abortion Facts
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Abortion Facts
8/30/2008 04:16:00 AM
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