Thursday, September 18, 2008

Life Coach Training

Life coach training is an essential part of a college graduates job and career search. One to one personal coach training can help a new graduate to assess their personality traits and their career goals to apply for an entry level position that is not only in an industry that would be satisfying, but in a specific area of that industry that would best suit the individual characteristics they can use on the job. Many who do not seek the help of someone experienced in placing new graduates with appropriate positions will typically find themselves job hopping until they discover on their own which area of an industry will be most satisfying. With many students graduating from college today being the norm, there are a tremendous amount of people entering the workforce in industries that they are not well suited for. The main reason for this is that most college graduates are choosing careers that will make them the most money.

While the amount of money one makes is very important, people have found that no matter how much they make, if they are not satisfied with their employment one of two things will happen: they will either quit their job, or they will live unhappy and unsatisfied lives. The purpose of life coach training is to find a balance between earning a high enough income to be comfortable and work in a satisfying environment. Personal coach training can be done while the student is still in college, shortly after graduation, or during a time of career change. There are also many books being sold that address the same issues and can help a graduate get off on the right foot. Most of the time, people learn from example, and through others' personal experiences and testimonials.

A good life coach training program will evaluate a graduates strengths and weakness, match them with industries in the employment sector that they not only show an interest in, but that are conducive to elaborating on their strengths so that the graduate can grow in their knowledge and experience in a certain industry area. This, in turn, will satisfy them more and bring them a higher paycheck. The more experience one has in an area, the more money he/she is expected to make. Personal coach training is not, however, a guarantee of satisfaction or success. It is merely a way to explore all the options an individual has in order to correctly match them with a career. Sometimes, a graduate can already be keenly aware of where their strengths and weaknesses lie correlated with their interests, and finding a career is not a problem; other times, a person may search their whole life for a career they truly love.

In addition to graduates receiving life coach training, there is a demand for personal coach training for mid-career level employees. These mid-career level employees are discovering that they are not satisfied in their jobs, and are seeking a change, but don't know where to turn. They already have their education and experience in one area, and the thought of starting over again from the beginning is daunting. Some are advised to enter a different area in the same industry they are already in so they can capitalize on their years of industry experience. Others are advised to return to school to re-educate themselves in a subject that they may not have experience or previous knowledge in. Mid-career level changers have a benefit, they are typically already employed. They aren't desperate for income. They can attend school part-time, even from home, in order to brush up on old skills, or learn new ones, without fear of loss of income. The fear of not having an income is what renders a new graduate to become desperate, accepting any job that comes along. Especially if they have student loan debt to pay off. The pressure that comes with the requirement to pay off thousands of dollars 6 months after graduation can certainly steer some graduates into a career they were not intending to enter.

It is important to remember that all the planning in the world will not guarantee success. Life coach training is not provided to students, graduates, and mid-career level employees so they will definitely be happy. It is offered so they can enter certain employment with an understanding of how their own characteristics will coincide with the demands of the job. They can understand how to grow their strengths and improve upon their weaknesses. They can develop an appreciation and recognition for how they may be able to gain lifelong experience and a larger paycheck through their career efforts. Personal coach training can also be costly if it is not offered through a college or university. There are private training programs that can be purchased. If it is affordable for someone looking to embark upon their first career or their third, experts highly recommend going through at least a couple of training sessions. Knowledge is power, and the more knowledge gained about any subject, including oneself, the more power they have to achieve their career goals. "Through wisdom a house is builded, and by understanding it is established." (Proverbs 24:3)

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