Saturday, September 27, 2008

Accelerated Christian Education

Accelerated Christian education programs provide a Christian alternative to the public school model of learning for students in grades kindergarten through twelve. Since 1970, it has provided outstanding academic excellence through individualized curriculum which stresses traditional Christian values, mastery learning, reasoning skills and advanced technology. Certain Christian schools use the PACE curriculum which is a particular accelerated educational program. It is also available for home schooling. The curriculum ties basic academic principles to God's point of view and stresses biblical views on individual relationships, a personal relationship with God, and personal responsibility to others and the community. This specialized program is based on the biblical value of excellence. The accelerated Christian education curriculum offers a wide variety of classes in the basic academic areas like math, science, English and social studies as well as many elective areas.

The best part of any Christian education is that aside from the basics, the word of God is taught. "For the word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any two edged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and the joints and marrow and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart." (Hebrews 4:12)

It consists of 4 key components. First, the curriculum is individualized. Students work through unit workbooks/programs and advance from level to level at their own pace. The second key component to the curriculum is that it is based on diagnosis of the student's current ability. Diagnostic tests are given and students are placed in the program based on their performance in each individual subject area not based on age or grade level. The third component in the accelerated Christian education curriculum is that it stresses goal setting by the student as they have input on their progress. The final component is mastery of skills. Before moving to the next unit a student in the program must have a minimum of 80% mastery of the unit.

The curriculum is accredited, accepted, and used through out the world. There are certain Christian institutions or schools that use the program, have home school versions available, and also e-curriculum courses. For those wanting to use this model of education there are training opportunities and conventions held as well as resources available both online and for individual purchase to provide assistance to those wishing to use the program. Like most public schools, this model offers four different diploma options: honors, college preparatory, general, and vocational. A long list of colleges and universities within the United States that have accepted accelerated Christian education students can be found online. These include public institutions, private institutions, Bible colleges, and community colleges.

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