Saturday, September 27, 2008

High Risk Merchant Account

A high risk merchant account was an absolute necessity for the recent graduate of the "Get Your Man School for Private Detectives" outside the little town of Don't Know Where I Am, Nevada. It was a little school that only graduated about 1 1/2 gumshoes a year, but this guy was the real deal. Trench coat, fedora and an upper lip that curled when the guy talked, the man had learned his lessons well at this little Nevada school, and now was the time to set up shop somewhere in California. The private eye had found a little storefront office in one of the most desolate towns in northern California, and as the man proudly placed the newly won diploma behind a broken down desk, the shock of this guy's life was about to take place. Knowing that most of America does business with credit or debit cards, the PI called a local bank to set up a business account, including the ability to take credit card business at the office. Instead, the bank sneered at him and called his chosen line of work a bad credit merchant account and no deal thank you very much.

Shocked, angered and a mite bit peeved, the PI began hunting down information. This would be the first investigation the guy had done since graduating from Get Your Man School for Private Detectives because the PI needed to know about being a high risk merchant account. Come to find out, there was a whole bucket full of businesses considered as having a . Auto rental businesses, bail bondsmen, cellular phone merchants, hair restoration businesses, used auto sales (surprise!), water purifiers, time share merchants, coin shops, sports card shops, detective agencies and about fifty other "don't touch this business" businesses that are considered a bad credit merchant account. Used car lots are not hard to understand, but hair restoration? So the reality is that if these risky businesses attempt to create an account with a bank to take credit cards, there is no way it will ever happen!

But thanks to business men, who love to take risks, there are places a time share merchant or the owner of a sports card shop or a detective agency or any high risk merchant account can go to establish plastic card acceptance capability. In addition, businesses that help high risk merchant accounts obtain a merchant account to process credit cards and bank cards can also help our private eye accept checks over the phone standing behind the payment of any check it approves. The gumshoe knew that the business of detective work would not get off the ground if there was no ability to take debit cards and checks. Having a bad credit merchant account is not about the character or the credit history of the owner of the business. The moniker is given to types of businesses that have the reputation of coming and going very quickly and not having deep roots in a community. In some cases the designation may have to do with the way some of these service providers have completed or not completed transactions with their customers, or in how they have paid their bills. "For we know that, if our earthly house of this tabernacle were dissolved, we have a building of God, an house not made with hands, eternal in the heavens." (II Corinthians 5:1)

The companies providing risky businesses with a merchant account make their money with higher than normal transaction fees. Low risk merchant accounts include would include such businesses as retail establishments offering in person credit card swipes, restaurants, hotels and motels and home based businesses. All of these types of commerce have had long track records of not packing up and leaving overnight. They historically receive lower interest rates and lower processing fees for credit card and debit transactions. I guess our private eye will just have to get with the program and sign up for one of the credit card processing systems that will give our high risk merchant account detective agency swiping rights. Not for stealing but for credit cards!

The PI was able to overcome the stigma of being called a no trust worthy person and developed a good reputation in that little California town. Unfortunately the graduate of that great and honored detective school didn't stay in the business long. He really wearied of having so many people not trust each other and having to dig up dirt on good people. He went to the State Police Academy and became a motorcycle cop and worked himself up to, you guessed it, a detective. But a lot of people never recover from being labeled in a negative way.

It's one thing to be a bad credit merchant account in business, but it's another when a teacher or a parent or a spouse constantly sends signals that someone is trouble or no good, or rotten and not worth loving. Then the labels start hurting and the doubts start coming about one's worth and value. And before long the walls go up and no one can get near and dying feels like maybe a good option because life is really a pain. There is good real news and it isn't from some bad credit merchant account credit card processing service that wants to take hard earned money. God really loves you and really wants to be your friend and your partner in life. Talk to Him today and tell Him about your hurt. God loves to listen.

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