Monday, September 22, 2008

Reduce Your Debt

Reduce your debt by taking a proactive approach to the situation, wherein the borrower takes steps to realize the gravity of the situation and works diligently to eventually become debt free. Paying off these account balances is something that anyone can do with determination and a good plan. Doing nothing is not an option, because overindebtedness problems lead to bad credit, higher interest rates and fees on credit cards, and ultimately, loss of assets such as the borrower's home. The good news is that there are solutions to reduce your debts. A step by step approach is the best way to get started. Review the situation and start making a list of ways to begin the process.

To begin, list all liabilities, which would be anything paid out monthly. It would be a good idea to also list the interest and fees paid to creditors each month. List all income and find the difference between income and pay outs. Also keep in mind to allow a percentage for spending on living expenses such as groceries, gasoline, and miscellaneous. Reduce your debts starting by finding out if the income coming in each month is sufficient to cover the regular monthly payments due. Is more being spent than is earned? Sometimes just cutting a few corners and not spending on truly unnecessary items will be a good starting point to reduce your debt.

Creating a spending plan and sticking with it will help. This may take some discipline because when one is used to spending without guidelines, spending on a budget takes much forethought and determination to initiate a real positive change. Quit using credit cards unless there is an emergency and pay more than the minimum payment each month to help reduce your debts. Use a debit card that is linked directly to the checking account to reduce your debt. This will help to stop incurring new balances to repay. Work to pay down the balances already incurred by doubling up on payments when possible, especially on charge cards.

If unable to plan a manageable budget on ones own, seek help from credit counselors. There are many organizations that employ professionals who can offer assistance through consumer credit counseling services. Reduce your debt by working with these counselors who also can offer negotiations with creditors to lower interest rates and fees along with a plan to consolidate accounts. Live on a budget, so the end result won't be filing bankruptcy, a poor choice because the derogatory message such a choice makes which will remain on the personal credit report for seven to ten years. Experience the feeling of freedom that comes from taking positive steps to reduce your debts. Blessed be the Lord, who daily loadeth us with benefits, even the God of our salvation. Selah. (Psalm 68:19)

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