Sunday, September 28, 2008

Search Engine Submission Programs

Certain search engine submission programs allow Internet advertisers to post URLs on thousands of major engines simultaneously at the touch of a button. Instead of spending tedious hours submitting sites to major web portals manually for human review, smart advertisers rely on search engine optimization (SEO) software. In the Worldwide web, there are literally hundreds of thousands of sites with similar content selling similar goods and services. Many website owners make the mistake of spending too much time window dressing sites with flash animation and streaming video content with little regard to making sure that sites get posted to popular web portals. Having an Internet presence is futile unless consumers can locate specific advertisers in a virtual cosmos of websites. But the sites that get the most traffic are those which utilize search engine submission tools to drive target audiences to their front door. And a pretty front page is not enough to secure top notch rankings and increased traffic.

After hiring website designers, photographers, writers and editors to design an awe-inspiring site with glitzy graphics and flash animation, Internet advertisers may still miss opportunities to reach targeted audiences. Search engine submission tools increase a web site's relevancy, rankings and potential revenue. Smart ecommerce entrepreneurs utilize tracking, assessment, and search engine submission programs to tap into major databases, boost rankings, and go to the top of results page listings. Major portals index advertiser sites depending on several factors: keyword-rich web content relevant to user queries; description meta tags, which help search engines find and categorize relevant content and links; character encoding, which tells browsers which html language characters to use; and language tags, which indicate the vernacular in which documents are written. Title tags are also an important factor and perhaps, the first consideration given as engines narrow sites matching user queries.

When users type words and phrases into online queries, web portals match indexed content to queries and issue listings of possible sites on results pages. The closest matches appear near the top of the results page as sponsored links, paid two- or three-line advertisements directing users to ecommerce entrepreneurs' home pages. Meta tags, or codes, embedded within title pages and formatted in hypertext markup language, or html, help guide spiders to selected pages which closely match user queries. Selected sites are temporarily stored on web portal servers and accessed by users. But, the only way Internet advertisers can be selected by major portals is to submit sites either manually or via search engine submission programs. Some portals require manual submissions; and webmasters must painstakingly enter Uniform Resource Locator, or URL, information into databases for inclusion in results. Web-based search engine submission tools should be a part of any Internet advertisers marketing campaign if they want to steer targeted traffic to selected sites. Programs enable marketers to not only make submissions to thousands of the largest web portals across the globe, but to monitor rankings and placement of listings; compare competitor rankings; and modify sites to include the best keywords and phrases.

For the privilege of gaining entrance into portal databases, site owners have an ethical obligation to comply with SEO submission requirements and make online querying a simple, honest and straightforward process. Relevant keywords in meta tags are a must; as are accurate, complete, and consistent data; and related content throughout the site. In other words, users should be able to click on a sponsored link or relevant website and find pages which closely match queries. Search engine submission programs can help eliminate unscrupulous webmasters and programmers who blatantly abuse the system to drive traffic to bogus or un-requested sites. Even in Biblical times, deceivers tried to infiltrate the New Testament Church. "For such are false apostles, deceitful workers, transforming themselves into the apostles of Christ. And no marvel; for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light. Therefore it is not great thing if his ministers also be transformed as the ministers of righteousness; whose end shall be according to their works." (2 Corinthians 11:13-15)

In the Wild West, the good guys always wore white hats and the bad guys were dressed in black. And in SEO protocol, Internet advertisers who comply with regulations employ search engine submission tools to help qualify for the best rankings and query matches. White hat SEO creates legitimate, user-friendly content using keywords and meta tags which closely match queries; while black hat SEO, also called spam indexing, has earned Internet surfing a bad reputation. Black hat spammers embed popular keywords into pornographic and adult entertainment sites in order to trick engines into listing sponsored links on results pages. Almost anyone who has ever conducted an online query using common keywords has had the daunting experience of clicking on an innocent looking link, only to discover that it leads to a pornographic or objectionable site or that it is an undesirable marketing ploy to divert users to un-requested pages. But just like the town sheriff who hunts down the bad guys, major engines will soon find black hat perpetrators and shoot them down onsite, reducing or eliminating rankings and deleting listings from server databases.

But search engine optimization programs are geared toward formatting pages and websites to comply with SEO regulations. Spiders, robots, and end users can readily index and locate legitimate websites which closely match user queries without fear of spam or being held hostage in cyberspace by unscrupulous advertisers and porn mongers. In addition to eliminating black hat practices, search engine submission tools help programmers and site designers provide html and meta tag coding, description and keyword attributes, language tags, graphic presentation, and formatting which enables search engine spiders to instantly index and rank sites. By utilizing high tech submission tools and programs, good guys who wear white hats will surely finish first in rankings and revenue.

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