Friday, September 26, 2008

Yoga And Your Health

By Y P Chinn

In today's modern world, discussing an age-old concept such as yoga can be rather challenging. The real concept of this ancient art has long been forgotten, buried within the demanding lifestyle of modern day globalization. Most people choose to describe yoga as a simple concept rather than a complex philosophy in order to help people understand better. The intricacies of this practice may not be easily understood by the western civilization.

In order to be viewed as a person of wisdom, some people who have been exposed to this ancient art have invested their time to learn a little more, only to gain a superficial understanding of the real essence of yoga and then proceed to talk about it as though they are the recognized experts. Yoga is mainly perceived as a physical activity in the western part of the world. Yoga has been reduced to a physical activity that focuses merely on achieving internal balance and meditation.

It originates from the Hindu religion and it is actually a part of the Hindu philosophy. Yoga as a part of India's diverse culture and philosophy is actually a spiritual experience that includes some complicated physical moves. But the western world prefers to refer yoga as a mere physical practice. Yoga, with its strange looking symbols may seem mystical to the average Joe, but sadly, they are often misunderstood. This discipline is practiced as a popular sport. Additionally, people who desire inner tranquility would often find this practice to be beneficial and of course a lot of people have been attracted to yoga as a form of practice to achieve inner peace.

Disciples of yoga are often fascinated by the claims made by their yoga instructors. There is plenty of evidence to show that yoga has been wrongly implemented in the West. Different groups practicing yoga have its own cultural structure and these influences are responsible for those fatal errors detected in the practice of this ancient art. The fast paced lifestyle of the western civilization left no chance for them to indulge in quiet, introspective moments to really understand this concept.

While meditation is an integral part of the practice, the westerners with their ever busy lifestyles certainly do not posses time for such luxuries. The greed for power and material wealth which is integral in the western culture has no place in the Hindu culture. Perhaps the western man shall never reach the peaks of wisdom according to the parameters set by the Hindu religion and culture. Patience and time is crucial for meditation. The westerners do not view investment in such contemplative moments for the attainment of philosophical wisdom to be beneficial. It places high degree of importance in the mere acquisition of wealth and power.

Yoga is often practiced more as a form of recreational activity to fulfill a stylish lifestyle. There is a lot of information going out promoting yoga as a form of sport. There are famous people who embraced this practice and become fake gurus and still they have enough support from their followers. The disciples of these fake gurus are responsible for spreading the influence of the wrong philosophy pertaining to yoga practice.

About the Author:
To learn more about health and yoga take a look at the health information site

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