Saturday, October 4, 2008

Cinnamon Roll Fundraisers

Highly profitable cinnamon roll fundraisers are one of the best ways to put big bucks into a church, school or sports team budget! When it comes to fast selling fundraisers, comfort foods are king. Cinnamon rolls are crowd pleasers and money makers that will have customers coming back for more. Luscious, mouthwatering, 5-ounce pastries dripping with genuine cream cheese icing come frozen and packed in disposable trays for convenience. Unlike frozen cookie dough, cinnamon rolls require no baking. These pastries are ready to heat and eat and inexpensively priced to sell fast for a quick turnaround. Fundraising suppliers provide free selling kits and promotional materials for door-to-door sales. Churches, schools, bands, and basketball teams can realize nearly a 50% profit from sales and they don't have to do it alone. Many fundraising companies offer online consultants to help sales teams make the most money as fast and as efficiently as possible.

Sell more orders with cinnamon roll fundraisers by offering customers a taste test! Set up a sales booth at the school cafeteria or church fellowship hall, bake a few delectable rolls, and the smell of fresh-baked, sugary sweet pastries will have the crowds lining up. Comfort foods not only taste good, but they sell better than most edible fundraisers. There's something about a great big fat yeast roll drenched in sticky icing that appeals to food lovers of every age. Visions of Moms and grandmothers lovingly rolling out each cinnamon roll sprinkled with a generous helping of pungent cinnamon can tease a taster's mind. One bite brings a smile and a satisfied tummy; but one bite is never enough. The tempting taste of sugar and cinnamon are simply irresistible!

Cinnamon roll fundraisers may tempt the belly, but other temptations can destroy the soul. Temptations of a natural and spiritual sort are inevitable, but God gives us power over temptations when we turn to Him for strength. "There hath no temptation taken you but such as is common to man: but God is faithful, who will not suffer you to be tempted above that ye are able; but will with the temptation also make a way to escape, that ye may be able to bear it" (I Corinthians 10:13). God knows how to deliver us from every temptation and how to restore repentant souls to a loving communion with His Spirit.

Selling cinnamon rolls is simple. Just take the orders, collect payment, and wait for the heavenly confections to be shipped for distribution. Baked cinnamon rolls can last for up to 14 days in the refrigerator or up to six months in the freezer. Cinnamon roll fundraisers can be used for bake sales, at flea markets, during sports events, after church suppers, door-to-door, or on the job. And the products practically sell themselves. Fundraising groups won't have to worry about losing money for unsold products or hassling with the headache of being turned away at the door. Homemakers will love the convenience of taking a frozen roll out of the freezer for a quick breakfast. Coworkers will drool over cinnamon rolls served at the office break room. Classmates will clamor to be the first one in line to buy cinnamon rolls by the dozen for a comfy treat better than Mom can make.

And if cinnamon rolls are too hot to handle, a coffee cake fundraiser literally takes the cake! Women's meetings, church bazaars, and brunches are great places to sell scrumptious coffee cakes. Fundraisers featuring these luscious treats will have customers coming out of the woodwork. Have a sample on hand and a ball point pen handy, because customers will want to order several after just one bite! Coffee cakes have just the right blend of sweetness and a light texture with a perfect balance of bread, nuts and icing. Great for any time of the year, the cakes may sell best during winter months or anytime they can be paired with a cup of Joe or hot cocoa.

Want to get immediate orders? Cut a gourmet coffee cake into small pieces and set them out on a decorative tray in the company break room or high school hallway. Place the order form next to the cake samples to make it easy for customers to order immediately after tasting. It won't be long before the order form is completely filled with names of customers who want more! Just repeat the process and in a few days, a coffee cake fundraiser will bring more orders than sellers can imagine. High school, grade schools, non-profit organizations, churches, bands, and youth groups can experience the greatest success with a coffee cake fundraiser with little initial investment. Customers will want to support fundraisers year after year because of the products high quality and superior taste.

A delicious coffee cake fundraiser offers an excellent opportunity for groups to raise funds for almost any purpose. High school bands can raise big bucks for new uniforms or special trips, churches can raise money for choir robes or outreach ministries, non-profit organizations can use extra cash to purchase equipment or furnishings. Whatever purpose, whatever goal, food fundraisers are the fastest way to make lots of dough with little effort.

Groups considering cinnamon roll fundraisers or a coffee cake fundraiser may browse the Internet for suppliers and fundraising websites. Company websites usually include online forms for brochures, samples sales kits, and estimated earnings per case or box of delectable edibles. Groups should carefully review materials to determine vendor policies for returns, percentage of profits, investment costs, sales support, and tips for selling successfully. Websites may also include testimonials from churches, schools, and sports teams who have had success selling products. Links to other sites may help potential fundraising teams shop for the sweetest deals.

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