Saturday, October 4, 2008

Creative Fundraising Ideas

Many community events are products of creative fundraising ideas that pique the interest of the neighborhood as well as provide much needed funds for some worthy cause. Whether it is a corner barbecue, youth car wash or social hall yard sale, it isn't hard to find something of interest on the weekend that is organized to raise money for some organization or individual. Creative fundraiser ideas must step beyond the typical, however, in order to draw the interest of an already media saturated society in order to spur donations, sales and volunteer efforts. Fundraising is an American tradition when it comes to pooling the efforts and resources of others for the good of a special cause.

Known for their generosity, private US citizens raise more money in a year through fundraising efforts for important causes than many countries do through their government sponsorships. Fortunately, Americans still continue in the role of 'helpers' not only here but abroad as evidenced by the many efforts that benefit from creative fundraising ideas. "Pure religion and undefiled before God and the Father is this, To visit the fatherless and widows in their affliction, and to keep himself unspotted from the world." (James 1:27) Needy causes here and abroad such as child hunger, poor education, health crises, natural disasters, family abuse causes, and many others are what touch the hearts of many who have come up with creative fundraiser ideas.

There are many different ways of raising money for a multitude of causes from school organizations to corporate projects. Most groups choose either sales or services in order to encourage others to give to a project. Even though donations are commonly given toward many projects simply on the basis of information, most typical projects require the use of creative fundraising ideas to encourage others to open their pocketbooks. One of the most common ways that groups and organizations use to promote giving toward a cause is through food sales. People everywhere love a good meal and one that provides easy access with low prices and friendly service is always a winner.

Of course, that idea has been around for years, but there is always a new spin on it with creative fundraiser ideas. It's not just the typical BBQ chicken plate at the local fire department anymore, but a chicken wrap with chips and salsa down at the ball field. Ethnic foods fit great within a money making project that will appeal to just about anybody with interest in trying something new. Since food is such a winner when using the sales pitch to generate funds for any needy charity, it is doubtful that that angle will ever loose its steam with everyone from parents and children to senior adults. If an organization can pull together the personnel and underwrite the cooking materials, a lot of profit can be made by providing a good food service with a smile to the neighborhood.

Another good way to generate sales for charity projects is through auctions of many forms. Auction off donated items, a date or a kiss and the money will roll in for just about any deserving cause. The trick is to come up with something new or interesting to auction and add the exciting auctioneer flavor to the setting. Other more creative fundraising ideas are constantly being developed as the Internet has become an important part of everyday life for most people. Buttons and banners that advertise a specific cause can be plastered from here to Australia with the click of a mouse. Unique and exciting options for raising money are being explored through the avenue of email advertising as well. Other high tech methods of encouraging others to give to causes are through cell phone donations, recycled ink canisters for printers and computer donations. The ways to fund certain projects are limited only by creativity and planning.

Even if creative fundraising ideas are brought to the planning table, there are certain tips to follow that will make any event or sale successful. Keep in mind that the goals and purpose must be clear to all involved. Make sure that there is clearly a beginning date and end date to the money making event. Generate excitement among the participants and ensure that there are enough workers to see it through to a satisfactory completion. Try not to schedule a sale or event at the same time another organization is attempting to do the same thing. Also, provide plenty of back up support for any volunteer staff in order to minimize weariness and apathy with longer range projects. There are plenty of creative fundraiser ideas that can be gleaned from a multitude of online sources that provide opportunities for schools, communities, businesses and anyone else interested in helping others. Look for unique ways to encourage community support to help others.

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