Thursday, October 2, 2008

Gambling Addiction Help

Gambling addiction help is available through special facilities as well as public meetings. In general, the person requiring assistance will not admit to the problem due in part to self-concept and the effects of this mental illness. The initial habit may start out innocently, however the outcome is not always a positive experience. This disease affects not only the person who gambles, but also all the people surrounding this person including family, friends, co-workers, neighbors, and the general public. The general public is affected by the $5 billion lost annually through unemployment benefits, credit cards, bankruptcy, and embezzlement. It is thought that $40 billion are lost over the lifetime of gambling costs due to productivity reductions, social services, and credit losses. In addition, prisons fill up and public services are consumed with these people therefore denying truly needy people. Gambling addiction treatment may include intervention of the family, counseling, complete removal from society and access to money by way of rehabilitation programs, and financial counseling.

There are many reasons a person may get caught up in the act of gambling: financial gain, fun, stress relief, and hobby. Though these reasons seem innocent, their actions quickly turn sour due to the nature of the event. Once a person wins significant money once the general belief is that more money will be won in the future, which is not usually the case. Gambling addiction help may determine the underlying reason for participation in such activity. From these reasons a therapist or friend can suggest a variety of healthy alternatives such as financial counseling, marriage counseling, and the introduction of new hobbies. As a result of betting habits, a person may also be subject to participating with other bad habits such as drinking, smoking, drug use, lying, cheating, and stealing. Because these other habits may cost a lot of money the need to gamble more becomes urgent thus creating momentum in a downward spiral of multiple problems requiring gambling addiction treatment. More than 80% of people with addiction problems are recorded as having suicidal thoughts, but only 10% have attempted any effort. The irony of the situation lies in the fact that most people become involved with these activities due to the lack of control the current life provides by simply replacing it with out of control behavior. For the love of money is the root of all evil: which while some coveted after, they have erred from the faith, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows. (1 Timothy 6:10)

In general there are three phases of gamblers: winning, losing, and desperation. The winning phase is the most innocent, but also leads to the most destructive thoughts about monetary gain. While a person may simply go to the casino for enjoyment, thoughts of what a certain amount of money could do to change their life may develop. The idea of solving monetary problems may be very tempting as well as inconsistent with the events of normal daily life. When a person wins consecutive times a certain confidence develops, however when that same person starts losing then the need to win becomes an obsession. More likely than not the money won previously has been spent either to pay bills, to purchase new items, or to put down payments on new items. In any event the money being spent on betting is probably required to pay bills of some sort so when its lost the need for additional gain becomes urgent. Gambling addiction help may come in the form of friends and family helping to pay bills as long as no additional betting takes place. This opportunity will only work for people in early stages as well as the absence of other mental illness. However, professional financial planning or psychiatric assistance as a gambling addiction treatment option may be beneficial to long-term wellness of the individual. If gambling addiction treatment does not occur early then the stage of desperation may occur. This is most commonly when gamblers think of suicide, however it can occur in other stages as well. Outsiders identify this stage by the increased amount of time gambling, outward expression of anger, and depression. Professional counseling is required for this level of gambler, which can be located by looking in the yellow pages or asking friends for a reference.

Choosing a quality program for recovery should be the job of a friend or family member. The stress of the problem itself is all the gambler can handle. When evaluating gambling addiction help resources there are many things to consider beyond cost and location. The program chosen should be trained in the recovery of gamblers. Due to the unique nature of the problem, which is different than substance abuse, certain knowledge and resources are required. In addition, find out the methods of treatment and the general goals in the minds of the counselors. Finding a perfect match may take some time, however personal efforts are better than no help at all. Enrolling in a program that does not offer continued support or medication options may only offer short term solutions. Finding people who have participated successfully in a program may offer a good place to start. These people can offer pros and cons of the program they chose and what they wish was done differently. Generally a mix between professional and relational assistance produces the best outcomes. This means dedicated support from family and friends with the assistance of professional resources in order to initially overcome the problem.

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