Thursday, October 2, 2008

Heroin Addiction Treatment

Because of the nature of the drug, heroin addiction treatment is necessary for the addict who wants to recover. It is a highly addictive drug, and many are gripped in its tight grip and cannot escape on their own. Tragically, many of these addicts have gone from injecting the drug to snorting or smoking it because that way they can get the advantage of increased purity. Some of these people believe that using the substance in these forms will not lead to becoming an addict, but they are seriously misinformed. The substance is processed from morphine, which comes from the seed pod of the Asian poppy plant. When it is processed, it looks like a white or brown powder. Other names for this substance are "smack," "H," "skag," "junk," or "Mexican black tar." Fortunately, there are many places that provide heroin addiction rehab for those who have gotten tangled up in the addictive web of "smack."

One reason why heroin addiction treatment is so essential is that the drug is associated with dangerous health conditions. Many people who use end up getting a fatal overdose. Also associated with the use of this substance are spontaneous abortion, collapsed veins, and infectious diseases. Some of the more common diseases associated with "smack" are HIV and AIDs and hepatitis. These diseases often spread through multiple use of needles or contaminated drug paraphernalia. When a person injects a dose, the effects disappear after a few hours. Therefore, the "high" that the user wants doesn't last very long. This "high" feels like a sense of euphoria with a feeling of warm, flushing skin, dry mouth, and the sense that the arms and legs are very heavy. When the euphoria disappears, the user feels first wakeful and then drowsy. Thinking is clouded because the central nervous system is not functions properly. When a user continues to inject for a long time, other side effects begin to appear. Veins may collapse. This makes it difficult for emergency room personnel to administer life-saving treatments if a user comes into the hospital. An infection may attack the heart lining or the heart valves. Abscesses, cellulitis, and liver disease may also occur. The lung may also suffer by contracting pneumonia and a loss of good respiration. Some of these long-term effects may be helped by heroin addiction rehab, but if the organs are damaged and cannot repair themselves, the long-term effect may be serious.

Another serious problem for drug injectors is that the substances pickede up on the street may not be pure. The users do not know who or how the material has been processed, and sometimes impurities are present in the powder. This can lead to clogging of blood vessels of the lungs, liver, kidneys, or brain. Patches of cells in these vital organs may die as a result. In this case, heroin addiction treatment cannot reverse the problem. In fact, this drug is the cause of the second most common deaths in our country. The deaths attributed to this substance are on the rise. Unfortunately, the more of the substance that users ingest, the more tolerance they build to the medication, and so the more they must use to get the same high. As more is used, the addict becomes even more addicted, and the physical dependence becomes even tighter. And if the user stops giving himself drugs, the withdrawal symptoms can become very severe. That's why an addict must turn himself into a heroin addiction rehab to be able to resume a normal way of life and save himself from sure death. Withdrawal is a real physical effect. After a few hours after the last injection, the person feels cravings, restlessness, muscle and bone pain, sleeplessness, diarrhea, vomiting, cold flashes, and kicking movements. This lasts between 48 and 72 hours and continues in a lesser effect for about a week. If a person is in poor health, sudden withdrawal can be fatal because the physical effects on the body are so severe.

Most addictive substances affect the mind. That's how they lure people in and why the habit is so hard to break. These medications are basically pain killers that allow people to forget their problems and their worries. But they also change the way a person thinks. People aren't as aware of their surroundings when they are under the influence. This may continue long after the physical effects of the injections have worn off. Heroin addiction treatment has to deal with both the physical effects of the use and the mental effects. A user finds a certain reward in being high, and this focus must be changed to help the user find rewards in more appropriate activities. A good heroin addiction rehab will help the drug user to change lifestyle attitudes and activities that encourage drug use. Otherwise, the affected person will go right back into old habits and go right back to the addictive behavior.

An addict finds that his mental processes are completely opposite of what it once was. He no longer abhors illegal activities, but uses them to acquire more of the substances that he craves. The apostle Paul tells us in Philippians 4:8, "Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things." This is the goal for heroin addiction rehab, to change the thinking and become pure once again. Good heroin addiction treatment will not only address the problems with the body, but also with the mind.

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