Saturday, October 4, 2008

Instant Messaging Security

Implementing instant messaging security policies and protocol has become a grave concern for large and small corporations. Largely due to the threat of malicious viruses, worms, Trojan horses, and cyberspace piracy, many companies have taken measures to safeguard sensitive and confidential data which, if accessed by an attacker or competitor, could threaten a business' viability. Knowledge is power and knowledge of strategic data, government secrets, and the identities and social security numbers of key personnel or ordinary citizens could jeopardize the security of a company or an entire country. However, as hackers and malicious viruses increase, network administrators are challenged with the task of preventing electronic communications, such as emails, voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP), and instant messaging (IM) from being used to infiltrate system computers.

In order to block instant messaging which may be susceptible to malicious attacks, corporate network administrators install high quality instant messaging security which monitors, detects, and stops infected files in their tracks. The key to avoiding damage to individual workstation computers or a corporate network is to quickly and efficiently disrupt instant messaging events at their point of entry before viruses and worms carried in electronic communications infiltrate or expose sensitive corporate data or files. Malicious worms and Trojan horses typically "piggyback" onto vulnerable IM servers or attach themselves to programs frequently used by unwary individuals and companies. Viruses can easily infiltrate systems if administrators and users are not watchful. Similarly, we can be caught unaware if we are not mindful of the condition of the soul: "And take heed to yourselves, lest at any time your hearts be overcharged with surfeiting, and drunkenness, and cares of this life, and so that day come upon you unawares. For as a snare shall it come on all them that dwell on the face of the whole earth. Watch ye therefore, and pray always, that ye may be accounted worthy to escape all these things that shall come to pass, and to stand before the Son of man" (Luke 21:34-36).

Employees at small and large businesses utilize approximately ten different IM software programs for electronic communication. But these programs have varying security weaknesses. Some are prone to infection by viruses and bugs and susceptible to infiltration and exploitation by malicious hackers. IM programs can leave systems vulnerable upon user login, during file transfers or downloads, and at service messages. Other programs lack sufficient protocol to encrypt usernames, IP addresses, and passwords, which are sent and stored in http proxy logs, readily accessible to experienced hackers and viruses. Certain programs may also cause game buffer overflows, which can enable hackers to overwrite a computer's memory with data and gain remote access to a corporate PC and potentially, the entire network.

By employing instant messaging security, corporate network administrators can readily detect and block vulnerable IM programs before they can do considerable damage. IM infiltration prevention software can be installed to enable protection against potential cyberspace crime. Once installed, administrators can monitor and disrupt instant messaging from users of vulnerable programs at the desktop. Administrators can electronically designate when and under what conditions security programs should block instant messaging -- whether upon user login, file transfer, downloads, or message request. If employees attempt to access or transfer files via vulnerable IM programs, the program automatically blocks logins, transfers, or peer to peer electronic communication.

Messaging networks which connect several users to decentralized servers are most susceptible to infiltration. While these networks are great at enabling several users to converse online, adept security measures can block instant messaging which may threaten the integrity of systems and allow sensitive data to leak out into the public domain. Networks connect users via a set of IP addresses of identified systems, which enable clients to "talk" and share files. However, the danger is that those shared IP addresses and files may become vulnerable to harmful viruses or hackers. One infected computer can easily transfer infected files throughout a corporate network. The greatest fear is that employers, such as hospitals, federal and state governments, and military installations might have databases infiltrated and security compromised through unscrupulous use of electronic communication or an intentional cyberspace attack.

Corporations which seek to implement instant messaging security should be diligent in designing policies for employer electronic communication, including the use of workplace computers and peripherals for personal applications, emailing, and texting. Once policies are in place, installing preventative software, such as antivirus and firewall programs to detect and block spam, suspicious downloads, viruses, worms, and Trojan horses is the next prudent step. Companies should also install and update IM patches periodically to keep current with provider improvements, which can eliminate detected vulnerabilities. Passwords and saved conversations should never be stored on a computer; and IM logs can be periodically purged from electronic files and selectively stored as hard copies in a safe location with limited access.

Installing internet messaging security software to monitor employee usage and block instant messaging should be the next line of defense. Corporations can buy into high quality internet security programs to help safeguard sensitive data and secure employee and company identities, especially IP addresses, usernames, and passwords. Another nearly failsafe method of securing communications is to install a corporate dedicated server which would handle IMs and emailing in-house. Accessibility could be limited to network administrators and monitored through internet messaging security programs. Having control over online employee communications and implementing a security policy; training employees on the importance of safeguarding private, corporate and personal data; and installing internet security and antivirus protection software are necessary tools to keep small and large companies viable without fear of infiltration.

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