Saturday, October 4, 2008

Internet Marketing Research Tool

Using an Internet marketing research tool for the establishment of an online advertising program should help a retailer expand options and learn about successful ways to generate revenue. There are a variety of classes, courses, books and general website information concerning the subject. A retailer should access these Internet marketing research resources for instruction before spending time and effort that could result in failure because of inadequate experience. Those that are open to instruction will find a plethora of information available to them from others who have experience and have ironed out the kinks in online advertising, making it possible for newcomers to succeed instantly. In addition to the seeking of any instruction or training in any area of life, it is prudent to ask God first for His direction. This will ensure that the correct information can be sought and trusted. "If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask of God, that giveth to all men liberally, and upbraideth not; and it shall be given him" (James 1:5). Those that seek first the kingdom of God will have His blessings and righteousness will fall upon them.

Retailers should never write-off the traditional media aspects when developing an online advertising plan. News releases and articles about a product or service that is offered can also include a web address and ordering information. Traditional media sources can be used an Internet marketing research tool. An effective way to utilize traditional media is to place a display ad in a specific trade publication or local newspaper. This ad should contain the website and contact information as well as any discounts and sale item. Internet marketing research resources suggest that an online ad function as a brochure; giving the customer all appropriate information as well as an ordering method. Traditional media advertising will bring in off line customers as well as the continual advertising to the virtual web surfers. Networking through chambers, small business associations, and newsletters can also be a way to effectively advertise a product or service. Online networking is done through news groups, e-mail discussion lists, blogs and other connecting communications sites. When communicating with others, it is important to have a standard "signature" or "sign-off". This signature should also include the website of the retailer. Whenever utilizing virtual communications, having the same sign-off will remind all those spoken to that there is another way to reach the retailer besides email.

There are also a large number of businesses paying for their advertising. Examples of paid advertisements include banner ads, listings on portal sites, and pay-per-sale. Banner ads have the longest history as an Internet marketing research tool. These are typically 468x60 pixel animated and linked ads that appear at the top, bottom, or side of a commercial webpage. The fees are priced as cost-per-thousand page views. Using a search engine banner ad can be successful or any other website that is viewed by many people on a daily basis. The more viewers a webpage has, the more a retailer will be charged to place a banner ad. Internet marketing research resources can be found that will help determine the best web pages to place a banner ad for a specific product or service. Portal sites are considered a gateway for a WWW site that is to be a major starting point for users when they access the web and want to find something. There are general sites and those that are more specialized with a niche. Determining which type of site is best can be done by trying both and recording which method gave the best results. The cost to advertise on a portal site is dependent upon the site and the amount of viewers it receives daily.

Pay-per-sale advertising is commonly known as an affiliate program. A merchant will sign up a number of affiliates who will advertise their product or service, or website in other areas. Each link to the merchant's website is given a tracking number. When a customer makes a purchase through the link that brought them to the website, the link is tracked, and the proper affiliate is given credit for the sale, as well as given a commission from the amount of the sale. This is a very popular way to get the word out to the virtual community about the products and services an online merchant offers with out having to pay up front marketing expenses. An Internet marketing research tool can suggest ways to find the right affiliates for maximum success. Those with their own consistently viewed websites, make good affiliates. Instead of paying to place a banner ad on their site, they receive a commission when a sale is made. Lower budget Internet marketing research resources include the popular affiliate programs. If customers don't purchase anything, then no expenses will need to be paid. The strategy is determining the amount of commission to pay so the affiliates feel the program is worth the effort. Most merchants involved in affiliate programs will offer high commission payouts for more business being brought in. For example: bringing in over $1000 in revenue for the month might increase a 5% commission to a 10% commission. Either way, the balance between advertising expenses and sales must be determined in order to increase profits and expand a business to the next level.

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