Saturday, October 4, 2008

Text Messaging Marketing

Vernon recalled the day text messaging marketing came knocking at the door. Vernon was absolutely perplexed about the advertising budget. So much money had been spent on the campaign that the boss noticed and told Vernon outright that either a money-saving tactic is used or Vernon would be searching for another job, and very soon. Rick, a friend in another business, stopped in earlier that day to boast about how sales were exploding due to a new marketing campaign that was discovered, which saved thousands of dollars and was almost effortless. Revenues were up 60% since starting the new service! Vernon couldnt wait to ask Rick Well, what is the secret? Rick said the company discovered that marketing messages, advertisements, coupons and even more can be sent to any cell phone number in the world from a computer for free! Imagine all the money to be saved by not having to text messages from one phone to another. All that needed to be done is to send the messages from a computer directly to the cell phone that is to receive the advertisement!

Vernon immediately thanked Rick, ushered the man out of the office on the premise that a project was behind schedule, and then scurried back to the desk chair with a smile from ear to ear. Wow, this was the answer to all woes. Vernon would find out exactly how to initiate this advertising campaign utilizing the free text messaging Rick had spoken about. Dreaming of the smile beaming from the bosses face was enough to send Vernon to cloud nine, and even imagined a big raise and promotion as a result. Quickly Vernon did some calculations and discovered that a savings of several thousand dollars can be saved by doing things the easy way. Rick told Vernon the name of this procedure is called text messaging marketing. This is a free text messaging service provided to any person at any location. The marketing executive spent the next couple of hours gathering all the phone numbers of all the clients obtained over the last year or two, and entered all into a database for ease of retrieval later. Yea, if thou criest after knowledge, and liftest up thy voice for understanding; if thou seekest her as silver, and searchest for her as for hid treasures; Then shalt thou understand the fear of the Lord, and find the knowledge of God. For the Lord giveth wisdom: out of his mouth cometh knowledge and understanding (Proverbs 2:4-6 KJV).

Next, a search was done to find a provider for the free text messaging service that Vernon would use for the marketing campaign. When all was in order, the executive made an appointment with the boss for the next day at 9 a.m. to present the new advertising project. To celebrate the future, Vernon treated himself to a steak dinner at a local restaurant and then went home to dream about success. While dreaming, ideas came into Vernons head that not only could a free text messaging service for text messaging marketing be used for sales, but that the service could also be utilized for inter-office purposes such as sending reports between departments, communicating administrative short memos from one department to another or a host of ideas such as these. This made the executive deliriously happy, even while dreaming. Vernon awoke the next morning feeling better than ever and hurriedly got ready to head for the office. Index cards were clutched tightly in hand to memorize the presentation on the way to work.

With sweaty palms but heart pounding with anticipation, Vernon entered the bosss office promptly at 9 a.m. A cup of coffee was waiting as notepads were laid on the meeting table, niceties were exchanged and then the two men got down to business. Okay, Vernon. What new idea is in the works to save the company money? Vernon could hardly hold back from blurting all the words out at once, but checked himself and steadily introduced the concept of utilizing free messaging marketing to send company advertising to all clients for free. When the boss heard this, eyes widened and a faint smile appeared. Vernon was encouraged and continued relating how that thousands of dollars could be saved by doing the campaign in this manner, and that other uses could be found for this service between the departments within the company. The executive produced a long list of clients that could be served, in not only this country but also all across the world with the potential of even more savings!

By the time Vernon was finished presenting the facts about the new marketing campaign, the boss was ecstatic. Right away, all the other sales executives were called into the office to hear about the free text messaging service and the huge savings it would provide for the corporation. The executive felt ten feet tall, and left the office with a bouncy step for the first time in many months. Vernon made a mental note to take Rick out for dinner as a thanks for the wonderful text messaging marketing idea.

By the time the executive reached his desk, there was a voice message on the phone stating that indeed there is a raise in store and that it would show up in the next pay check on Friday. One by one, other sales executives on the floor that had been in the meeting came by to congratulate Vernon on the successful presentation on the free text messaging marketing service. Admiration was expressed all around and plans made to get together on more of a regular basis to discuss new ideas on how to save money and market using the latest of technologies, something that had not been happening in recent days. The executive spent the rest of the day glowing and dreaming of the next great idea that could catapult his career. In doing so, Vernon picked up the phone to call his friend Rick.

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