Thursday, September 18, 2008

Leadership Training Seminar

Extensive leadership development training can take the raw potential of a natural born leader and channel it into positive attributes that produce astounding results. A popular saying is true: "Leaders are not made, they are born." Some men and women are destined from birth to play an authoritative role and have an innate tendency to take charge of a situation no matter what is presented. Future leaders are small children who take command of the playground and always seem to have the respect and admiration of peers. If given education, opportunity, and time, naturally born leaders have the potential to become Fortune 500 CEOs, upper level managers, and inspired entrepreneurs.

Upper- and mid-level management can usually sense those employees with leadership capabilities. Self-starters are usually workers who are interested in following the fast track to success and are not afraid to tackle new challenges or take on additional responsibilities. Natural born leaders are also innovators and independent thinkers, who can sometimes appear to be arrogant or rebellious against authority. But good leaders are made of good followers. Young men and women who desire to be placed in positions of authority must first submit themselves to seasoned executives who have paid the price for the positions held. "Obey them that have the rule over you, and submit yourselves: for they watch for your souls, as they that must give account, that they may do it with joy, and not with grief: for that is unprofitable for you" (Hebrews 13:17. Astute older executives can look beyond a novice employee's apparent arrogance and appreciate an adventuresome spirit which can be an asset in any competitive enterprise. Enrolling eager workers in a leadership training seminar affords an opportunity to tame adventuresome spirits and understand how to effectively manage others.

In a crowded room, natural leaders are like the cream that rises to the top, those whom others look up to. Potential leaders are usually the ones elected to be spokespersons for the group. Just as dominant males and females in a pride of lions take control of less aggressive animals, so do natural leaders tend to dominate situations when others would rather adopt more passive attitudes. But untamed and unbridled leadership qualities can be harnessed through comprehensive leadership development training. Employees enrolled in advanced training courses can learn how to fine tune innate leadership strengths and develop the ability to tame the tendency to always be in control. Exerting authority carries a heavy responsibility; and many managers fail miserably due to an inability to allow others to succeed without competing against them. A good leadership training seminar can teach workers how to cultivate team building skills which are vital to the success of any business.

Rather than focusing solely on the individual, leadership development training emphasizes group dynamics, developing workplace competencies, and enhancing workforce skill sets. Seminar students discover how to effectively manage and motivate workers to produce at optimum performance levels, examining case studies which reinforce textbook theories. Workshops and seminars may include several different teaching methodologies, such as lectures from industry leaders, small group discussions, role playing, and exercises in workplace problem solving. Leadership development training is actually a long term investment companies willingly make in preparing promising employees for future responsibilities within the company. Many large corporations depend on mentoring and coaching, pairing young proteges with seasoned executives who can teach them about the inner workings of corporate structure and the basics of business, eventually passing the baton of leadership to the next generation of forward minded thinkers. Equal opportunity employment and anti-discrimination laws have made progressing up the corporate ladder accessible to men and women of all ethnicities, creeds, and socio-economic statuses. Almost anyone meeting corporate requirements can qualify for mentoring programs and an opportunity to excel at every level.

Companies may enroll employees in a two to three day in-house leadership training seminar or sessions offered at local colleges and universities as part of continuing education courses. Other businesses allow employees to take time from nine to five jobs to enroll in an intensive leadership training seminar or managerial class offered through the Small Business Administration. These intensive sessions are usually paid for by the company. Upon completion, corporations may have already set aside mid- or junior-level management positions for prime candidates. Any monetary investment a company makes in providing extensive training for promising employees is an investment in personnel as well as an investment in the future profitability of the enterprise. High quality, well trained junior executives who work hard to exemplify the corporate brand and persist in displaying the ethics, the attitude, and the heart of a true leader can make all the difference between a business that has longevity and one that never makes it to the finish line.

CEOs know that just as an old lion must one day relinquish his rule over the pride, so must older execs one day step down from controlling a corporate empire to let younger leaders take the reins. Successful executives know that the secret to building a great enterprise is building a great team of brilliant successors through leadership development training. CEOs also realize that as corporations develop and change with fluctuating economic climates, businesses may sometimes require an influx of new blood to move stagnant or less than lucrative enterprises along a more profitable path. If senior executives have invested time and money into providing leadership training development for young leaders, businesses will be left in the capable hands of men and women who can only move enterprises forward into the next century and beyond.

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Anonymous said...

Another option for employees that cannot leave the office is the Excellence in Management and Leadership Series. The series has over 80 program available on demand that come with a fantastic participant and facilitator guide that allow companies to build half day learning experiences built around the world's greatest thought leaders. Below is an example featuring Marshall Goldsmith

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